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Legal Managed Services

Experience the future of law, today

Many legal departments struggle to balance their day-to-day responsibilities with their goal to pursue critical, high-value initiatives. Deloitte Legal uses its global scale, and consulting, technology, and alternative delivery experience so that our clients achieve a number of key objectives: efficient delivery of high-volume services, transparency and predictability of legal spending, and more efficient risk management, compliance and oversight.

Legal Entity Management

The regulatory landscape is changing at an unprecedented rate. The introduction of a number of automatic exchange of information regulations surrounding transparency of data has changed the way in which organizations must manage their entities. Deloitte has the ability to service all major aspects of the compliance lifecycle globally. Deloitte’s corporate and legal entity management services combine central coordination and local, on-the-ground experience in jurisdictions around the world.

Services include:

  • Corporate document assessments
  • Annual compliance
  • Management of corporate data
  • Review of governance structures
  • Corporate changes
  • Legal entity simplification
  • Ad-hoc legal advisory work

Other Legal Managed Services include:

  • Contract Lifecycle Management
  • Legal Document Review & Management
  • Legal Project Management
  • Legal Staffing
  • Legal Regulatory Mapping
  • Any outsourced legal-related services



Miguel Ribeiro Telles

Miguel Ribeiro Telles

Of Counsel

Áreas Principais de Prática Direito Societário e Comercial Direito Imobiliário Fusões e Aquisições Direito Civil e Contratos   Advogado, sócio fundador da Deloitte Legal em Portugal, onde atualmente e... Mais

Sofia Barros Carvalhosa

Sofia Barros Carvalhosa

Sócia Coordenadora

Áreas Principais de Prática Direito Societário Direito Comercial  Fusões & Aquisições Contratos Internacionais  Direitos de Imagem   Consumer business Industry Leader   Sócia coordenadora na Deloitte ... Mais

Mónica Moreira

Mónica Moreira

Managing Partner

Áreas Principais de Prática Fusões e Aquisições Direito da Concorrência Direito Societário e Empresarial Direito Comercial   A Mónica é Sócia e coordenadora da área de Fusões e Aquisições da Deloitte ... Mais